Botswana Travel Advice

Botswana is one of the safest destinations in Africa, and one of the most traveller friendly. This guide sets out the latest Botswana travel advice for all visitors to Botswana.

As the longest continuous multi-party democracy, Botswana is one of the most stable countries in Africa. In 2020 Botswana was ranked the most peaceful country in Africa, and no 30 in the world on the Global Peace Index. With a peaceful history, low crime, modern infrastructure and welcoming people it is consistently regarded as one of the safest countries in Africa.

Establishing all travel, health and entry requirements when visiting a foreign country can be a daunting task so we have provided a useful summary of the regular entry requirements for visiting Botswana. We recommend checking with your embassy to check the latest Botswana travel advice and contacting us with any questions.

Travel during COVID-19 Pandemic

Botswana’s borders remain open – all visitors are required to show proof of vaccination and to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken 72 hours before arrival. Only paper copies of test results will be accepted. Further details for Botswana travel advice during the Covid pandemic are provided on our COVID travel information page.

Regular entry requirements 

Below are the standard entry requirements to be considered in addition to the latest Covid-19 entry and exit requirements.


The following standard entry requirements should be noted in addition to the special COVID conditions for entry.

  • Passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry to Botswana
  • Passports must include at least two clear pages facing each other
  • Dual nationals using two different passports can only enter the country on the same passport they used to exit the previous country.

Botswana Travel Advice – Travelling with children

As part of the regional anti child trafficking measures the Botswana government requires all children (under 18 years of age) who are travelling into or through Botswana to provide a certified copy of their full unabridged birth certificate (or the original) as well as a valid passport. An abridged (short) birth certificate won’t be accepted. If only one parent is travelling with the child an affidavit from the other parent consenting to the travel should be presented. If both parents are not travelling then temporary guardianship must be given.

Botswana Travel Advice – Health Requirements

No immunisations are required in order to enter Botswana. However, if you have previously been to an area designated as ‘at risk’ of yellow fever will need to show proof of immunisation in order to enter Botswana. This is in order to prevent the introduction of Yellow Fever to Botswana. A complete list of countries at risk of Yellow Fever can be found on the WHO site.

Travellers should note that malaria is present in the Okavango Delta and are advised to take the necessary precautions, especially during the summer months.

Botswana Travel Advice- Visas

The majority of visitors to Botswana do not require a visa for tourism and can visit for up to 90 days without a visa. Those who do require a visa can apply through the new online visa system, launched in August 2021. This Botswana travel advice platform can also be used to check which nationalities will require a visa to travel to Botswana. A summary is provided below though travellers should also check the latest travel advisory as well.

A list of countries whose citizens do require a visa to enter Botswana can also be found on the Botswana Tourism Page.

List of countries whose citizens do not require a visa to enter Botswana:

Angola Germany Monaco South Sudan
Antigua & Barbuda Greece Mozambique Spain
Argentina Grenada Namibia St. Kitts & Nevis
Australia Guyana Nauru St. Lucia
Austria Holy Sea Netherlands St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Bahamas Hong Kong New Zealand Swaziland
Bahrain Hungary Norway Sweden
Barbados Iceland Oman Switzerland
Belgium Ireland Papua New Guinea Tanzania
Belize Israel Paraguay Tonga
Brazil Italy Peru Trinidad & Tobago
Brunei Darussalam Jamaica Poland Turkey
Bulgaria Japan Portugal Tuvalu
Canada Kenya Qatar Uganda
Chile Kiribati Romania United Arab Emirates
Costa Rica Kuwait Russia United Kingdom
Croatia Latvia Samoa United States of America
Cuba Lesotho San Marico Uruguay
Cyprus Liechtenstein Saudi Arabia Vanuatu
Czech Republic Lithuania Seychelles Venezuela
Denmark Luxembourg Sierra Leone Yugoslavia
Dominica Malawi Singapore Zambia
Dominican Republic Malaysia Slovak Republic Zimbabwe
Estonia Maldives Slovenia  
Finland Malta Solomon Islands  
France Mauritius South Africa  
Gambia Mexico South Korea  

List of countries whose citizens do require a visa to enter Botswana:

It is strongly recommend that visitors allow a month to process their Visa.

Afghanistan Egypt Mali Taiwan
Albania El Salvador Mauritania Tajikistan
Algeria Equatorial Guinea Micronesia Thailand
Andorra Eritrea Moldova Togo
Armenia Ethiopia Mongolia Tunisia
Azerbaijan Fiji Island Montenegro Turkmenistan
Bangladesh Gabon Morocco Ukraine
Belarus Georgia Myanmar (Burma) Uzbekistan
Benin Ghana Nepal Vatican City
Bhutan Guatemala Nicaragua Vietnam
Bolivia Guinea Niger Yemen
Bosnia & Herzegovina Guinea Bissau Nigeria  
Burkina Faso Haiti North Korea (Dem. People’s Rep. of)  
Burundi Honduras Pakistan  
Cambodia India Palau  
Cameroon Indonesia Panama  
Cape Verde Iran Philippines  
Central African Republic Iraq Rwanda  
Chad Jordan Sao Tome & Principe  
China Kazakhstan Senegal  
Colombia Kyrgyzstan (Kirghizia) Serbia  
Comoros Laos (Lao People’s Dem. Rep.) Somalia  
DRC- Democratic Republic of Congo Lebanon Sri Lanka  
Congo (Republic of) Liberia Sudan  
Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Libya Sumatra  
Djibouti Macedonia Suriname  
Ecuador Madagascar Syria  


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